Free resources to help you start grow and scale your drone business

🆓 Electric Monarch Drone Education Youtube:
🆓 Drone MBA Podcast:
🆓 FAA Part 107 Exam Study Guide:
🆓 Free drone digital marketing checklist:
🆓 Business Strategies for Drone Pilots Facebook Group:
🆓 Your Drone Business Playbook:


Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hi there, my name is Heather Monthie. And in this video, what I wanted to do is share with you all of the free resources that I have available for you to help you start and grow your drone business. The first thing here are many of you found me through my YouTube channel, it’s electric monarch drones. I’ve also got drone MBA in the name of the YouTube channel, simply because drone MBA is the name of my podcast, the YouTube channel is got all sorts of free resources on passing your part 107 exam. So if you are in the United States, that is the commercial drone license that is required. In the United States, if you’re outside of the United States, I am working on finding great educational partners to partner up with to offer you the certification program in your particular country. And then I’ve also got all sorts of videos on here on business building, marketing, the technology, around marketing, all of that really good stuff. The way I’ve got it organized, is if you go here to playlists,

Unknown Speaker 1:06
you can see that I’ve got it organized. And I’m working on you know, kind of cleaning this up a little bit. So it’s getting there. But the first one here is the drone NBA podcast, those are the video versions of all of the podcast episodes. So if you want to listen to it on YouTube, or if you want to listen to it with captions, you can listen to it here on YouTube. And then I’ve got some part 107 Study videos for you some airspace videos, that’s oftentimes an area that people that are studying for the part 107 Exam, or even people that have already passed, and they’re still not confident in airspace, I’ve got some stuff for you there as well. So again, a lot of different part 107 stuff, I do have some things for private pilot and sport pilot, I’d started doing some things for manned aircraft as well. But really focusing this channel now on drones in the business of drones. So you’ll start to see more and more content coming your way around that some of these previous videos and I continue to add more here. The other piece to my drone business is that I work with schools and educational institutions and training companies to develop their own drone education program, whatever it may be, however, they’re doing training, whatever it might be. And so I’ve got some videos around there as well. So you can check that out if you’d like. But really, I think what most of you will find helpful is this, the drone MBA podcast playlist, and then the part 107 exam study resources. And again, those are helpful even if you’ve already passed the exam. If you’re not in the US, you can just ignore those videos. The next thing here I wanted to share with you is the drone MBA podcast. If you go to my website at fly electric monarch slash subscribe dash two dash podcast that’s a horrible URL, I know that I’m, I’m working on figuring out what kind of URL I want to get to redirect us. But anyways, this is the drone MBA podcast. It is intended to be short, little tidbits of information that to help you start grow and scale your drone business. So I’ve got a lot of different content planned for 2024. For the podcast. Again, they’re really short snippets, you 10 minutes or so some of them will be a little bit longer. I’m doing free webinars each month. And so I’ll put the audio to the webinars in the podcast as well. But you can listen to it and all of these different platforms, I’m working on getting it into more platforms, there’s as more and more platforms become available. You know, I’m adding it to those platforms. It’s also available on Pandora, which you do not see listed here. But Pandora also has it. And I believe it’s also on Amazon, I need to go double check that it did work to get put on Amazon. But there’s a platform that you listen to podcasts on that you don’t see listed here, you can’t find the pockets on it, let me know, just shoot me an email at Hello at fly electric And I’ll see about getting the podcast feed submitted to that particular platform. But you can listen to the podcast on Apple. So if you just come, you know, you go to Apple podcasts, I don’t have iTunes on this computer. So I’m just going to click Cancel here, hit cancel here. If you just search for the drone MBA podcast or if you go to the website, you can get the link for it. So we’re on Apple, we’re on Spotify, you can look for us here just search again just search for drone NBA You can also search for my name, Heather Monthie. And it’ll come right up. So the podcast is another great resource for those of you that are trying to start grow and scale a drone business. It is not specific to the US. So I may reference the part 107 cert and there but when I do talk about that I really what I really am talking about is whatever drone pilot certification is required in your country. So this is really valuable for anybody in any part of the world. So the drone MBA podcast that’s another great free resource to help you start grow and scale your drone business. The next year is my part one

Unknown Speaker 5:00
oh seven study guide, a lot of you have found either this YouTube channel or this Facebook group, through the part 107 exam study guide, it is updated for 2024, I basically show you that the FAA does publish everything for free that you need to know and study for the part 107 exam, but it’s not all in one spot. So I’ve put this all together into one document and show you what you need to study. So for example, the pilots Handbook of aeronautical knowledge, it’s a great resource, it’s super thick. But as a drone pilot, there’s only some sections of it that you need to know. So I distill that down for you to show you exactly what it is that you need to know out of that particular resource. And some of the others that are out there, the Aviation Weather handbook, all that stuff. So that is the part 107 exam study guide, offers that fly electric guide, you can download that there. I’ve also got this ultimate drone Online Marketing Checklist. I’ll be talking a lot more about this checklist in 2024. I’ve also got a webinar planned for 20 December 2023, called clicks to clients. And it’s all about digital marketing for drone businesses and some of the things that you you some things you’re probably doing. And then there’s other things that you probably haven’t thought about doing. So we’ll be going over that. So you can download this here, right on the website, you get this, you get this handy checklist here. And you can use it, you don’t have to do everything all at once you’re gonna drive yourself crazy, but it’s to give you some guidance on some other things that you can do that’s available offers at fly electric And then next, we have the business strategies for drone pilots, the drone MBA Facebook group, as essentially what it is. So you can post part 107 study questions in there, we do have people from all over the world in there. So some of those questions might not be relevant. But if you go to MBA that will bring you right to that Facebook group, I will probably be starting a group on LinkedIn in 2024, simply because I know a lot of people don’t necessarily use Facebook or prefer to use LinkedIn for something like this. So we’ll be we’ll be evaluating that for the future. So the Facebook group is a great, a great resource, I just started it and we’re growing, we’re already at 300 members,

Unknown Speaker 7:14
just in the last, like two weeks or so. So keep it coming.

Unknown Speaker 7:20
And the last thing I have here is the iPad, I’m calling it as the drone business playbook. And it’s essentially it’s my blog. So if you go to fly electric, I’ve got first of all, I got the links to all the podcasts on there, I’ve got some blog articles that I’ve written, it’s really sort of the central hub of where everything is going. And it’s to its, it’s organized in a way to help you if you want to work on, you know, SEO for your for your website, or if you want to work on building a WordPress website, or if you want to learn how to use Canva, things like that, that that’s all going to be here and it’s all going to be organized, organized by that I’m still working on this. You know, it’s it’s not perfect, but I wanted to share it with you on what that is. So that’s really going to be essentially just all the different things. This is sort of the central hub of where all of the great things are going to be. So recap. We’ve got all sorts of really great free stuff to help you start build, grow your and scale your drone business. So we’ve got the YouTube channel, we have got the podcast, you can find it on all of the podcast platforms that you listen to podcasts. If you find a platform that does not have it, shoot me an email at flot Hello at fly electric and let me know so I can get it submitted. Then we’ve got the FAA part 107 exam study guide for those of you in the US. Then we’ve got the drone Digital Marketing Checklist. We’ve got the business strategies for drone pilots Facebook group, and then I’ve got the fly electric monitor blog, aka the drone business playbook. And so I want you to check those out. I will put links to all of these in the either the comments if you’re watching this in the Facebook group or in the description if you’re watching this on YouTube. And let me know what you think about these things and talk to you guys next next video.

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