Invitation to join the Facebook group “Business Strategies for Drone Pilots.”


  • Determining the viability of a drone business idea.

Understanding Market Demand

  • Assessing if there’s a market for your drone business.
  • Considering geographical factors and competition.
  • Example: Real estate photography and its challenges.

Identifying Target Audience

  • Determining who will benefit from your drone services.
  • Examples: Real estate agents, wedding couples, roof inspectors.

Competitor Analysis

  • Researching what other drone businesses are offering.
  • Identifying gaps in the market.
  • Using social media and online presence for analysis.

Evaluating Financial Feasibility

  • Considering startup costs and financial resources.
  • Balancing investment with financial comfort.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

  • Understanding local regulations and airspace restrictions.
  • Importance of compliance and operational feasibility.

Validating Your Idea

  • Testing the market with your services.
  • Engaging with potential clients and collecting feedback.
  • Utilizing social media and YouTube for market testing.

Conducting Pilot Projects

  • Demonstrating the value of your services through case studies.
  • Addressing specific problems with drone solutions.

Conclusion and Takeaways

Networking and Community Engagement

  • Benefits of joining the Drone MBA community.
  • Opportunities for collaboration and learning from others in the industry.