Printables for Teachers to Manage Your School’s Drone Fleet

Managing a drone fleet isn’t that tough if you’re organized. There’s quite a few different pieces of software out there to help you log your flight time, log the drone’s flight time, track your drone inventory, and easily be able to locate where to order spare parts when needed.

Most of that software is out of a teacher’s budget. So I made something a little more affordable for you to use. These printable cover sheets are a creative way for you to organize all the documentation you have for your drone.

You can track your airspace authorizations, your insurance documents, the drone operating manual and more! There’s 14 different cover sheets here for you to keep organized.

You can download your copy right now!

Drone Flight Logbook for Kids

You can find drone flight logbooks on Amazon for about $14 or so. But when you have a class of 30, that can get pretty expensive quickly. So, I also made a quick printable document that you can use to log a few drone flights with your kids. It’s simple, to the point, and will surely get your kids excited about logging some flight time (And do a little bragging too!)

You can download your drone flight logbook for kids here!

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