EAA Airventure (Or “Oshkosh” to aviation enthusiasts, or just “EAA to locals”) has been cancelled this year due to the on-going pandemic. This is arguably the best aviation event any aviation enthusiast could possibly attend filled with 500,000-600,000 aviation enthusiasts from around the world. This is an event that started out for experimental aircraft aviation enthusiasts, usually homebuilders. Over the years, it has expanded to commercial aviation, general aviation, military aviation, and unmanned aviation. (Unmanned aviation is exactly what this new podcast is about!)

I grew up just a few miles north of the Oshkosh. Fueled my love of aviation all growing up! EAA is holding a “Spirit of Aviation Week” instead. There’s lots of video content at www.EAATogether.org and even a few things about the future of unmanned aviation,

It’s not the same thing, but I am glad to be able to learn a ton this week. I normally work on the ramp, so I don’t always get time to attend workshops and seminars.

Discover Drones Podcast

So let’s talk a bit more about what this podcast will be.

I started a podcast In July 2018 about STEM education. I quickly realized that my episodes where I talked about drones were the most popular. It didn’t make sense to focus my website in my name on drones, so I started a separate website (and company) dedicated to drone education and training, Electric Monarch Drone Education. www.FlyElectricMonarch.com

This website is very specific to drone education, including Part 107 training, drones in STEM education, starting and operating an aviation services company, and emerging drone technology, including urban air mobility and drone cybersecurity.

As FlyElectricMonarch.com grows, it makes sense to start adding different types of educational materials for you, such as podcasts, videos, e-books and more. I want this to be your go to resource for reliable and accurate information on drone safety, regulations, and advancements.

For now, this will be a solo podcast, with just me sharing the things I’ve learned over the years, the things I am learning now, and how you can use the information in your own drone-related business endeavors. At some point, yes, I will have guests, but I wanted to get this started, get it going, and deliver you some great content.

So, welcome to the Discover Drones Podcast, with me, Heather Monthie. Make sure you never miss a new episode by clicking the subscribe button in whichever app you’re using to listen to this episode. Thanks for joining me on the Discover Drones Podcast. Please make sure to visit our website at www.FlyElectricMonarch.com to learn more about drones. We’ll see you in the next episode!

Full transcript:

Heather Monthie 0:00
Discover drones is your go to resource for learning about drones, drones in business, emerging drone technology and drones in STEM education. I am Dr. Heather Monti, an FAA certificated flight instructor, commercial pilot, remote pilot and dedicated stem educator. Join us as we discover more about drone safety, urban Air Mobility, business and education. Let’s get started.

Heather Monthie 0:26
Hi there, and welcome to the very first episode of the Discover drones podcast. I’m super excited to start out this new project. I’m starting it because look at the topic of this podcast, Oshkosh 2020 is cancelled. So I’m starting the discovered drones podcast. So I have been an aviation enthusiast since I was a little kid and it’s been a big part of my life all growing up all in my adult life. And I have been very passionate about sharing aviation, along with STEM education. And so what I want

Heather Monthie 1:00
wanted to do was start up a podcast specific to those of you who are brand new to the aviation world and are just getting started with drones. And whether it might be you are interested in getting into drones as a career, you might be looking to start a drone business, or even if you are an educator who is trying to teach kids about drones. So that is the purpose for this podcast is to just share information, share the new things that are coming out there with regards to the different technology that’s out there, some of the different cyber security concerns that come out with drones, and also the different FAA regulations, um, safety guidelines, things like that, that you need to follow as a remote pilot. So it’s important to understand that I am based in the United States, so a lot of the rules and regulations that I am going to be talking about

Heather Monthie 2:00
on the podcast are going to be specific to those of you who are in the United States. That doesn’t mean that if you are outside of the United States that this isn’t a podcast for you, there’s going to still be a lot of great content, a lot of great information about drone technology, drone business, and how you can bring drones into the classroom. I know that several of you who have been visiting my website and participating in the Facebook group are all different parts of the world. So please understand that there’s still going to be lots of great information for those of you who are outside of the United States. So again, Oshkosh 2020 is cancelled. So what am I gonna do with my time so I, you know, I always plan you the last week or so, two weeks or so of July, I make the annual trek to Oshkosh. So I’m originally from there. And so now it has become I actually have to plan to go I used to just be well, I just go down the road to EA and here I am. Now I’m like you know sitting around and I was like we got

Heather Monthie 3:00
Have a little bit of extra time right now because you know, not traveling. And there’s pandemic and lots of stuff going on. And my drone website has been growing over the last couple of months. And so it was naturally time to start adding some additional content to the website, not just in the written format. And so I wanted to start a podcast so that we can have more discussions and share more information, that kind of thing. So the podcast is going to be solo. It’s just going to be me talking for right now, until I can get it going and get it growing. And we’ll start adding in some interviews, some cool things people are doing with drones. But first, what I wanted to do is let’s talk a little bit about what you can do. If you are interested in aviation. You’re interested in drones, and maybe you had been at an intending, I’m planning, EAA airventure or if you’re an aviation enthusiast, we just call it OSH gosht. But if you’re a local, we just call it you

Heather Monthie 4:01
So they put together a website, ea together.org. And what they’re going to do is they’re going to host a lot of different online like virtual streaming webinars that you can, you can sit in on the different air show performers, you can learn about different techniques for building an aircraft. There’s lots of different stuff that’s out there. So this is really, truly the best aviation event that any aviation enthusiast could possibly attend. I think that this this is something that started out many, many years ago that was intended to be for those that were interested in experimental aviation. And so that means people that were building aircraft over the years, it has really expanded more into commercial aviation, general aviation, military, aviation, and even recently it has expand into unmanned aviation. So that’s what this pilot

Heather Monthie 5:00
caste is about this is a fantastic event. If you are not familiar with EA or the experimental aircraft Association, you can look up their website eaa.org. Again, I grew up there I grew up in that area and that that really just fueled my love of aviation all growing up. This is you have to think put this into perspective that it’s held in this town called Oshkosh, Wisconsin. I don’t know, there’s maybe 40,000 people there tops year round. But when this event happens, it’s one week out of every July every year, there’s about 500 to 600,000 people that just descend on to this tiny little city. So it’s just a fantastic thing. So they’re holding the spirit of Aviation Week instead, go to EAA. together.org check it out. I think that there’s some things on there that you will like if you are a teacher, they do have some things for teachers in aviation in STEM education. If you are interested in drones as a business

Heather Monthie 6:00
drone business and where the technology is going. There’s a couple different webinars and seminars that they’re holding on urban Air Mobility, and some of the advances that are coming in the the technology. Let’s talk a little bit more about what this podcast will be. And I kind of shared a little bit in the beginning of this episode, but I want to really just kind of dive into what my plans are for this podcast. And then if you have ideas that you that you want to see in the podcast, certainly let me know my website is www. Fly, electric monarch calm that is my drone specific website. You can go there. And if you’ve got ideas, let me know. I want to hear what they are just a little bit of backstory, I guess. So I started a podcast in July 2018. So that’s two years ago this month. And it was very focused on STEM education and specifically the T in STEM. So if you’re not familiar with that acronym, stem means science

Heather Monthie 7:00
engineering and math and it is a big push in the K 12. area right now because that’s where the jobs are. That’s where the jobs are going. Right? So we need to be training kids in that area. So I started this podcast, my background, what I’ve been doing as a career for almost the last 20 years or so has been working as a technology educator in that area. So what I was doing was sharing a lot of different great information about technology education, and I released a couple of different episodes about drones. And if I look at the analytics of that, of those episodes, those were by far my most popular podcast episodes. And what I had started thinking about doing was, okay, well, let’s really focus this podcast on drones then right, but it just didn’t make sense to focus my website that’s in my name, specifically on drones. So what I did was is I started a separate drone website and company that is dedicated to drone education and training. So in that business,

Heather Monthie 8:00
This is electric monarch drone education. And the website is fly electric monarch calm. So this website is very specific to drone education, which includes part 107 training. So the remote pilot exam that’s required for commercial drone operations in the United States. And we’ve got a section on drones and STEM education. I’ve even started doing some webinars around that area, you know, just education, knowledge, experience, etc, on starting an operating an aviation services company. So this is not my first Aviation Services company. I’ve had one in the past. And so I’ll talk a little bit about like, what is it what does it take to start a drone related business and aviation related business and some of the different things that you need to take into consideration as you’re building and grow growing and scaling a company? We’ll talk a little bit about different types of emerging drone technology. I think that this is an area in the tech world that is growing very fast. It is expanding very fast. You see it with

Heather Monthie 9:00
You know, drone delivery services and some of the different things, some of the different ways that we’re able to get supplies out to people who desperately need them. And even things like public safety, and you know, fire services, that kind of thing. Those are those groups of people that are using drones to help protect people and public safety other areas such as urban Air Mobility, autonomous flight that’s coming, it’s going to be here, I’m excited for it. And then drone cyber security. So with any new technology, with any new advances in any sort of technology, there’s always going to be cyber security concerns around around that technology. So we are going to look at drone cybersecurity from two different perspectives. So you always want to look at things of like, Okay, if we’ve created a new technology, what are what are the ways what are the vulnerabilities that come with that technology? But then what can people do to try to stay a little bit more safe, use the drone safely and protect, protect data, protect information. As I said, as this website fly

Heather Monthie 10:00
Electric monarch comm grows, it started to make sense for me to add additional types of educational materials for you such as podcasts and videos and ebooks and all that kind of stuff. So, I do have a YouTube channel. It’s just my name Heather McGee. And I have a lot of drone related videos on there. So you can go to my YouTube channel, check that out there. I will be posting those more on the website as well. And so what I want this podcast to be, I want it to be your go to resource for reliable and accurate information on drone safety regulations and advancements. So there’s a lot that goes into understanding things like airspace, and some of the rules and regulations and why they’re there. And so I want this podcast to really be your go to resource for learning from somebody who has been trained in teaching people about aviation, regulations, safety procedures, that kind of thing. So again,

Heather Monthie 11:00
For now, this is going to be just me sharing the things that I learned. I will be having or having guests on at some point. But I wanted to get this started, get it going and start delivering you some great content. So welcome to the Discover drones podcast with me, Heather Monti, make sure you never miss an episode by clicking the subscribe button in whatever app you’re listening to this podcast in right now. So thanks for joining me on the Discover drones podcast. Please make sure you visit visit my website at www dot fly electric monarch comm to learn more about drones and I’ll see you in the next episode.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai